Song Submit Top 20 for April 2013
As March Madness 2013 nears its end, we’re quite excited to publish April’s Top 20 musicians who are getting noticed by music executives in both film and the recording industry via ModernBeats Song Submit. Check out April’s top music producers & recording artists below. Please support these featured musicians by clicking the page’s “Like” or “+1″ buttons. ModernBeats can connect you directly to any talent:
1) Derrick Christopher of New Jersey (Producer)
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2) Ed Tate of Michigan (Producer)
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3) Mike Lane of Texas (Producer)
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4) Kristian Foerschler of Spain (Producer)
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5) Ivan Petrov of Russia (Producer)
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6) Daniel Basford of England (Producer)
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7) Beema Beatz of Florida (Producer)
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8) Jermaine Mendez of Jamaica (Producer)
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9) Dalbert Knight of Florida (Producer)
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10) Justinas Stanislovaitis of Lithuania (Artist)
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11) Lucas Haynes of Georgia (Producer)
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12) Luis Hazlip of Pennsylvania (Producer)
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13) Emm Mika le of Oklahoma (Producer)
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14) Paul Harley of England (Producer)
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15) Eric Brown of Pennsylvania (Producer)
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16) Tj Perry of Texas (Artist)
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17) Trevor Benfield of Malta (Producer)
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18) Victor Woods of Arizona (Producer)
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19) Roderick Horn of Texas (Producer)
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20) Travis Council of Georgia (Producer)
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