Song Submit Top 20 for February 2013
Featuring the top 20 music producers & recording artists discovered via Song Submit for the month of February 2013! Covering the US, Europe, Canada, & more, these selected musicians from ModernBeats Song Submit are raising eyebrows of music licensors worldwide.Take notice of these up-n-coming talents by listening to their work below. ModernBeats can connect you directly to any musician upon request:
1) Allan Witter of Neveda (Producer)
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2) B Rob Productions of Florida (Producer)
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3) Boris Akpama of France (Producer)
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4) Brandon Williams of Georgia (Producer)
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5) SaintBrix of North Carolina (Artist)
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6) Cardell Purdie of Florida (Producer)
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7) Gichi Nova of Minnesota (Producer)
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8) EckSell of England (Artist)
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9) Francesco Siliotto of Italy (Producer)
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10) Frantz-Lee Leonard of Canada (Producer)
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11) J Men of California (Producer)
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12) Musicbyj of Nevada (Producer)
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13) Dynamic Beats of Florida (Producer)
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14) Kilo Kapanel of California (Producer)
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15) Luis Ramirez of Puerto Rico (Producer)
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16) Magc of Sweden (Producer)
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17) Raphael Dettling of Germany (Producer)
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18) SnakeHips of Norway (Producer)
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19) Yamada Taro of Japan (Producer)
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20) Trizze Nics of Canada (Producer)
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21) Trevor Benfield of Malta (Producer)
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