Download Vox
Chantz 2 "Short Cutz" - The highly anticipated
sequel of's infamous "Vox Chantz"
vocal sample library! Packed with 490 hip hop vocal
samples & chants, ModernBeats debuts a masterpiece
of urban vocal performance with its vibrant soundset
"Vox Chantz 2 - Short Cutz". From explosive
shouts & chants extending from "Yeah!"
to "Fool!" to "What?!" to "Beeyatch!",
Vox Chantz delivers 100% VOCAL FIRE! Chant
styles include Timbaland, DJ Premier, Neptunes, Pete
Rock, Storch, Lil Jon, Trak Starz, Trackboyz, Dre, &
Note: For long vocal chant lengths, see Vox Chantz 1 - Long Cutz.
Chantz 2 - Short Cutz features 35 male vocal
chant groups. Each group contains 14 separate stacked
chant samples, all 1-2 seconds in length.
The set was recorded using only the best class A mic-pre's
& condenser microphones. Each
of the 35 chant groups contain 4 levels of intensity
and size (small, medium, xxl, fx). Using the set's 35
multi-format presets, all vocal samples automatically
load into your software sampler of choice: Reason NN-XT
(.SXT), EXS24 (.EXS), Kontakt (.NKI), Battery (.KIT),
Halion (.FXP), Soundfont (.SF2), and WAV (.WAV). Below
is a full list of vocal chants included:
- "Aaay"
- "Ahhh"
- "Bitch"
- "Beeyatch"
- "Damn"
- "Deee-amm"
- "Ehhh"
- "Fool"
- "Go"
- "Hahh"
- “Hell”
- "Hey"
- "Ho"
- "Hott"
- "Nah"
- "Nooo"
- "Ohhh"
- "Oooo"
- "Ouch"
- "Owww"
- "Run"
- "Scream"
- "Sheee-it"
- "Shit"
- "Ssss"
- "Uhhh"
- "Whaa"
- "Wham"
- "Whaatt"
- "Woa"
- "Yaayuhhs"
- "Yah-ow"
- "Yeah"
- "Yeah-aah"
- "Yepp"
- 6 Auto-loading Formats
example of file structure for the "Hott" chant
group follows:
Small 1 = hott-sm1-sh.wav
Hott Small 2 = hott-sm2-sh.wav
Hott Small 3 = hott-sm3-sh.wav
Hott Medium 1 = hott-md1-sh.wav
Hott Medium 2 = hott-md2-sh.wav
Hott Medium 3 = hott-md3-sh.wav
Hott XXL 1 = hott-xxl1-sh.wav
Hott XXL 2 = hott-xxl2-sh.wav
Hott XXL 3 = hott-xxl3-sh.wav
Hott XXL 4 = hott-xxl4-sh.wav
Hott FX 1 = hott-fx1-sh.wav
Hott FX 2 = hott-fx2-sh.wav
Hott FX 3 = hott-fx3-sh.wav
Hott FX 4 = hott-fx4-sh.wav
most exciting part of the 'Vox Chantz Library' is the
ability to combine chants from both 'Vox Chantz 1' and
'Vox Chantz 2' to create powerful, realistic & commanding
chant phrases such as combining "Hell!" (long
cut) with "Nah!" (short cut) or "Yeah!"
(short cut) with "Fool!" (long cut). The phrase-creating
possibilities are truly limitless. With the 'Vox Chantz
Library' there's no end to the amount of fire you'll
add to your beats!
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